Why Wait For Windows 7? Get Ubuntu For Free!
Ubuntu, the most popular competitor of Windows operating system, will be available for free download this evening. The latest version of Ubuntu is called Jaunty Jackalope, or simply Ubuntu 9.04.
The massive failure of Windows Vista left users angry and desperate for an alternative. While going for Mac is like buying a new piece of land and then build a house on it, what about PCs? Once upon a time, PCs belonged to Microsoft's Windows operating system, but times have changed now. Things are becoming obsolete. PC world is being taken over by GNU/Linux, though at a slower pace. You have heard of the good old rabbit-tortoise story, right?
To give users a fresh breath of free air, Canonical is releasing its latest version of Ubuntu operating system which can run on your current PCs and even Macs. There are many advantages of using Ubuntu or any other GNU/Linux operating systems. The number one priority is freedom. Here you will not be bound by heft end-user licence agreement which will make you a 'pirate', a 'thief' if you give a copy of the software to your brother or a friend. We as humans are programmed to share. Sharing is the basis of our intelligence, but some proprietary companies want to curb this very human trait -- and convert us into their customers. But that's where GNU/Linux sets you free. Here once you download or get a copy of Ubuntu, you are free to replicate it and give it to as many people as you want.
Windows or Macs may cost you bomb, but Ubuntu, like most of the GNU/Linux operating systems, comes for free. You will not have to pay a single penny to get the copy. What's more, if you don't have a good download speed and you want to try Ubuntu, you can order it from their website and they will send it to you for free.
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