5 Free Tools To Check If Your Blog Or Website Is Really Down
Have you ever been stuck trying to access a website that appears to be down and you’d like to check if there’s a problem with the server or a problem at your end? Well yes, you could! Here are five really easy ways of doing this.
1. Down For Everyone Or Just Me
All you need to do is to go to Down For Everyone Or Just Me and type in the URL of the site that you wish to check. The website will let you know whether the given URL is down or not but it does not provide you a very comprehensive report on the URL.
This tool just provides you with basic information on whether the typed in URL is working or not.
2. Is My Blog Working
Just log on to Is My Blog Working and type the URL of the blog you want to check out. It is free to use and pretty useful as it displays a wide range of information on the blog you typed in.
Key features:
1. Lets you know whether the blog is working or not.
2. Comments on the status of your RSS feed.
3. Provides you the status of the blog’s gzip compression, client and support caching.
4. It also provides information on what program your blog was created on.
5. It provides you a wide range of technical details regarding your blog.
Example: When Tech Spikes was typed into the dialog box this is how it appeared.
This tool will definitely turn out to be very useful to people who want to monitor the progress of their blog constantly.
3. Are My Sites Up
This is another tool available to check whether your website is working or not. There is a mandatory registration in order to use this free service.
Follow these simple steps to register yourself and get going.
1. Sign up and get an account.
2. Add your preferred sites.
3. Click on Add New Site, type in the URL and click on Check Now.
4. The current status of your website is displayed.
There are two services available: Free and Premium. The Premium service offers you the choice of checking up to a 100 sites and also offers you a wide range of info regarding your sites.
This tool will definitely go down well with people who have a large number of the websites to look after. Check out AreMySitesUp?
This is again a very useful free tool for you to check out your website’s status. It also offers you a unique feature of selecting your mode of notification whenever your website is up and running or when it is down. The e-mail feature shown here will let you know the status of your website via mail.
This tool is very useful as you don’t need to check the working of your website every time but automatically receive notifications about it as and when it detects that your website is down. Check out DING IT’S UP!
5. Uptime Party
This is also a tool which monitors your website’s status and sends you notifications regarding your website’s uptime and downtime.
It has an option of checking any site regarding its status or you can also sign up which allows you to select any one website and receive notifications via e-mail whenever it is down.
Just follow these steps to sign up and continue.
1. Sign up with all the required formalities.
2. Type in any name and and give in the URL of your website.
3. You can also select the services you need from Uptime Party and click save.
4. You are now ready to receive notifications via mail whenever your server is down.
This tool has a bunch of options you can choose from to further explore your site. Check out Uptime Party
Among the five tools featured above DING IT’S UP scores high on simplicity and utility as it offers various modes to communicate with you in case it encounters any issues with the blog or website that you wish to monitor. Uptime Party is the one for advanced users.
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